Insights from a Financial Advisor looking to help people on their path to financial wellbeing.

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  • Stock Diversification is the Key to Success

    It can be very tempting to put all your eggs in one basket, especially if you believe in one company a lot. You may have heard about meme stocks and how they “shot to the moon” a few years ago. You read the Reddit message boards and its full of advice on what stock to… Read more

  • Video: Investing for Beginners

    Have you thought that you should start investing but do not know where to begin? What the video below. It will walk you through why investing is important and how you can start. If you are looking for detailed one-on-one advice, please click here to work with me. And please don’t forget to subscribe to… Read more

  • Life Insurance and Your Financial Plan

    A good financial plan will incorporate life insurance as a core pillar. I often tell clients to think of life insurance similar to car insurance. An expense you have to pay and hope you never have to use. So, if you hope you never have to use it can you do without it? For most… Read more

  • What You Should Do When You Lose Your Job

    It is unfortunate, but sometimes you unexpectedly find yourself out of a job and scrambling for new employment. The US economy is teetering on a recession, which more often than not results in loss of employment. During the recession of the COVID-19 pandemic, unemployment peaked at 14.8%. That recession was brief by any standards and… Read more

  • Americans Need More to Retire

    According to research done by Wall Street Journal and Northwestern Mutual Americans think they need more to retire comfortably. In fact, they think it is a lot more. The average American believes they need $1.25M to retire comfortably. That is up 20% from last year. So, what can you do to ensure you hit that… Read more

  • The Rule of 100 is Broken and So is Your Portfolio

    The rule of 100 states that you take the number 100, subtract from it your age, and that is how much of your portfolio should be in stocks. By that logic a 30-year would have 70% of their portfolio in stocks and 30% in bonds. This is a very outdated rule, and this article provides… Read more

  • Client Case Study The New Doctor and Nurse

    As I have grown my book of business through the years, I have accumulated many clients in the medical field. It likely has to do with the fact that many of my relatives work in that field. My wife is a Physician Assistant, I have a brother finishing residency, a brother-in-law who is a plastic… Read more

  • Why Liz Truss Matters to Your Portfolio

    Earlier last week Liz Truss, the now former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, resigned her post. Making her the shortest serving Prime Minister in the country’s history. She held the position for 44 days. But why does this matter to us here in the states? A Brief History of Liz Truss and Her Country… Read more

  • Ways to Quickly Paydown Debt

    There are many differing opinions when it comes to paying down debt. Should you prioritize paying off those debts with the highest rates? Or should you eliminate the debts with the lowest balance first to free up cash flow? As with most binary options in life the answer is “it depends”. Debt Paydown Methods There… Read more

  • Choose a Good Financial Advisor

    At some point in your life, you have probably questioned whether you need a financial advisor. You may need help investing your money. Or coming up with a financial plan. Even a strategy to pay down debt. These are all things advisors can help with. But how do you choose the right one? Define Your… Read more